
About Valérie

Valérie was born in Nuremberg/Germany, home of the world-famous Christmas market, and has been in love with “her” city ever since. Singing has been her passion already in kindergarten and she was the soloist in a church choir even before she started going to school. Her parents loved her singing but insisted on a good education and a “decent” job which was why they made her study languages, her 2nd great talent. Instead of becoming an interpreter though, Valérie finally made singing her full-time job and has never regretted a single moment of her decision.

She won several singing competitions and had great success with her interpretation of Edith Piaf´s “Milord” in a German TV show (RTL). In Germany, her first solo single went up to No. 2 in the single charts right away and had remarkable airplay. Besides her two major talents, she started writing songs for herself and other artists, was a comedy writer and host for several radio stations and a well-booked studio singer for radio, tv and cd productions. She was the supporting act for “Blackmore´s Night” (feat. Ritchie Blackmore, legendary guitarist of Deep Purple and Rainbow), the headliner of “Holiday on Ice” and took part in 2 preliminaries to the “Eurovision Song Contest of Folk Music” in 2001 and 2003.

Valérie May can be found boarding luxury ocean & river cruise ships, enchanting audiences and winning standing ovations all across the globe. Her biggest musical success, however, has been her program “A European Songbook” which has become a milestone in her career. Singing in the different languages and styles of music has given her the opportunity to show her love for both music and languages.

Valérie lives in the countryside outside of Nuremberg together with her husband Uwe, daughter Julia, her parents and a crazy cat called Lara.


A European Songbook I

A European Songbook II

A Christmas Songbook



Flyer ESB I
Flyer ESB II


A European Songbook I

  1. Intro Willkommen Bienvenue Welcome
  2. Gold von den Sternen
  3. Non je ne regrette rien
  4. Danny Boy
  5. Hijo de la Luna
  6. Die Erde dreht sich wegen Dir
  7. Há uma música do povo
  8. Milord
  9. I dreamed a dream
  10. Volare
  11. Doch um dich weinen werd ich nicht
  12. Nessun Dorma
  13. San sfirixis tris fores
  14. Lili Marleen
  15. No llores por mí Argentina

A European Songbook II

  1. La vie en rose
  2. Maria Lisboa
  3. Tulpen uit Amsterdam
  4. Waterloo
  5. Otschi Tschorniye
  6. Amazing Grace
  7. Muss I denn zum Städtele hinaus
  8. Hymne à l amour
  9. Aranjuez
  10. Ta pedia tou Pirea
  11. Bamboléo
  12. Memory
  13. Julia´s Song
  14. Time to say goodbye
  15. You raise me up
  16. I still call Australia home
  17. Waltzing Matilda
  18. Pokarekare Ana

A Christmas Songbook

  1. Süßer die Glocken nie klingen
  2. Feliz Navidad
  3. Tu scendi dalle stelle
  4. White Christmas
  5. Aba Heidschi Bumbeidschi
  6. Holy Night
  7. Mas Alla
  8. Mary did you know
  9. Pasko Na Sinta Ko
  10. Come home for Christmas Time
  11. Let it snow
  12. Petit Papa Noel
  13. W lesu rodilas jolotschka
  14. Stille Nacht
  15. Auld Lang Syne


Cadolzburger Str. 8, 90556 Seukendorf
tel: +49 911 7 56 77 00
mobile: +49 172 2 35 30 17


Valérie May Vocals
Cadolzburger Str. 8
D-90556 Seukendorf
Vertretungsberechtigt: Uwe Felbinger
Finanzamt Fürth/Bay. USt-IdNr.: DE811747711
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt: Valérie May
Gerichtsstand: Amtsgericht Fürth/Bay.
Alle Rechte, Copyright und Shows betreffend, liegen bei Valérie May.

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